Yoo: User Guide

Yoo is a simple task-tracking chatbot that users can interact with via the command-line. It currently supports three types of tasks:


Some of the commands that Yoo supports:

Notes about the command format:

Feature Usage

1. todo

Adds a Todo task to the list. Format: todo DESCRIPTION Examples:

2. deadline

Adds a Deadline task to the list. Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by YYYY-MM-DD Examples:

3. event

Adds a Event task to the list. Format: event DESCRIPTION /at YYYY-MM-DD Examples:

4. bye

Ends the conversation with Yoo. Format: bye

5. delete

Deletes a task from the list. Format: delete INDEX

Example: delete 1

6. done

Marks a task as completed. Format: done INDEX

7. find

Finds tasks that match the given keyword. Format: find KEYWORD

8. help

Displays a list of Yoo’s commands. Format: help

9. list

Displays the list of tasks. Format: list

10. update

Updates a task description or time. Format: update INDEX /d DESCRIPTION or update INDEX /t YYYY-MM-DD
